A Year in Review

Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

–          Luke 9:62



For a moment, just a moment, I will look back.  I can risk plowing a crooked row, just for a moment.


I will get back to the plow shortly, but C. S. Lewis said that we look back in gratitude.  I recently read a devotion that enumerated the various gifts that God has given us, from salvation to guidance from the Holy Spirit and a lot more.  That got me to thinking about this past year.


A year ago, I wasn’t thinking of writing a blog.  I was thinking of part-time employment, contacting people who might want my services.  I was writing, but blogging was not on my radar.  There never was any part-time work that paid the bills, and I don’t really miss it.  God changes you.


As for family, my mother-in-law passed away.  And her eldest son got married.  Thus, we made two trips to Texas this year.  We spent about the average of ‘away days’ this year as when I was working full time, just visiting our children and grandchildren instead.


For about half of the year, I have had this blog.  I have written comments on the blogs of others and replies to comments with a bunch of wonderful people from around the world.  This has been a tremendous blessing.  I thank all who have passed along kind words.


Now, turn around, ‘man with hats.’  That is enough of a look in the rearview mirror.  The fields must be plowed.  There is going to be a harvest.


Matthew 4:19 says, “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”


I love mixing metaphors.  I plowed a field so that I can now fish.  Then, again, both fishermen and farmers have to look forward.  Farmers look forward, beyond the end of the field, to ensure that the plowed furrow is straight.  The fisherman keeps his eyes on landmarks or stars.  If he loses concentration, he ends up somewhere else.  I’ve come too far to get lost now.


But Jesus said ‘follow me’ in this case to two fishermen, Andrew and his brother Simon (not Peter, yet).  Did they turn around to check their nets?  No.


At once they left their nets and followed him.

 Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.

–          Matthew 4:20-22


Can you hear Zebedee calling after his sons as they walked down the beach?  “If you don’t come back and tend these nets, there will be no supper for you!”  The scriptures do not record Zebedee’s reaction.  Was he angry for being left to do all the work, or had Zebedee found greatness in Jesus as well?


As long as there is strength, we need to move forward as Jesus did and as He taught His disciples.  There is a dramatization of Peter on DVD.  Peter is awaiting his execution.  I can believe the script writer when he portrayed Peter witnessing to the guards and executioner.  We have to look forward, because we must see this through.


I praise you, Lord, for bringing me safely thus far.  I shall move forward with excitement regarding what lies beyond the horizon.


To God be the Glory.




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  1. Amen and many blessings to you and your family as we enter another new year❤️

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